5 Responses to “Shaiya”

  1. Black Ash

    Of all the newest models, Shaiya is without a doubt my favorite, she’s so gorgeous and her smile is completely melting my heart.

  2. Blaatschaap

    Shaiya is incredibly beautiful! I very much hope more there will be more sets of her to follow.

  3. Jaygee

    Love the slow burn of these sets. It works beautifully with this virginal, chaste, blushing new model.

  4. Rootsin

    Shayia’s 3 first galleries were shyness & sweet innocence. She shouldn’t forget to have fun & to give another try, her way, because models don’t belong to erotic mags without that condition.

  5. Valemon

    I really do hope Shaiya will come back for many more sets (and movies!), she is so beautiful.

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