Recently, one of our subscribers, Jak, wrote that his fetish – a pregnant women.

And I want to tell you about not a smaller fetish – about the nursing women. Many men are excited by women who became mothers recently. During this period of the woman look absolutely differently. Some invisible beauty or internal energy, or maybe something else attracts men to them.

During this period and to woman too it’s very important to feel herself beautiful, sexual and popular among men. For example, one very famous model came to shoot new nude photographies through two month after birth her baby.

It is because of lactation, her breasts were so beautiful, and not because of plastic surgery, as assumed many.

And how you treat pregnant or lactating women? They excite you?

2 Responses to “About the nursing women”


    YES….I love pregnant girls!!!!! It is such a hard on…..Please

    • Zhaklin

      Dear James,
      This is a very important step. To show most innermost. Pregnancy is a very important and unique stage in a woman’s life. For example, I decided not to publish their photos on display for millions. Their saw only the visitors of the exhibition, the most devoted my fans, and those who decided to buy one of exclusive photos with my autograph.
      Regards, Zhaklin.

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